Thursday, April 18, 2019

We Will Rise Every Time We Fall

“As the marsh-hen secretly builds on the watery sod, behold I will build me a nest on the greatness of God.”  Sidney Lanier

        How do we build a nest on the greatness of God?  How do we reflect God’s greatness, God’s glory?  How does mortal man even begin to comprehend a transcendent, immortal God? 

        Any attempt to answer these questions must begin with reverent hearts and devoted lives that are committed to glorifying God through acts of kindness, mercy, and grace.  Saint Francis and Mother Teresa did not leave any tangible monuments to honor, but lives of total commitment and sacrifice that continue to inspire and challenge us to this day.  But there is also a deep desire to glorify God in a tangible way.

        King Solomon wanted to build a “house for God” that would be much greater and more extravagant that any human house.  When the Temple was dedicated in Jerusalem, Solomon proclaimed, “I have built thee an exalted house, a place for thee to dwell in forever.”  (1 Kings 8: 13)

        From the earliest days of Christianity, the faithful sought to glorify God by building great houses of worship, just as the Greeks and Romans built magnificent temples to honor their gods.  The Roman Emperor Constantine commissioned the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem in 327 AD.  This grand basilica remains the oldest church in Christianity to this day.

        It was in the Middle Ages when humanity was developing great skills in art, architecture, and science that majestic cathedrals started to appear.  Between the years 1050 and 1350 over 500 grand houses of worship were built in France alone, perhaps none greater than the majestic Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. It is considered the crown jewel of medieval Gothic architecture.  Even before the devastating fire this week, Notre Dame was the most famous of all the medieval cathedrals.  France is the most visited country in the world and it’s most popular monument is not the Eiffel Tower, but the Notre Dame Cathedral. 

        Many people, both believers and unbelievers, consider grand cathedrals like Notre Dame to be decadent wastes of money.  I beg to differ. 

        From the beginning of Genesis, Scripture teaches us to give our best to God.  These majestic cathedrals represent the very best of humanity.  A cathedral is a masterpiece that represents the greatest human gifts we have to offer from an architectural, acoustical, musical, aesthetic, artistic, scientific, religious, and engineering perspective.  Through the creation of these magnificent edifices of worship, we are giving back to God these incredible gifts that he has given to us.  We are giving glory and honor to his name.

        In the wake of this week’s terrible tragedy, we have witnessed the power of this beautiful cathedral to bring all of humanity together.  On Monday night in Paris and around the world, believers and unbelievers, doubters and disciples, saints and sinners, conservatives and progressives, Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Buddhists and people of all faiths and people of no faith, were drawn by a powerful force to this heartbreaking scene of fire and smoke. 

        Throughout the city of Paris, a city not necessarily known for its religious fervor, thousands of people gathered in somber silence, in prayer, and often in song, because of a building.   But you see—it is much more than a building.  This is a magnificent house of God and deep within every person, whether one knows it or not, is a need to be close to God. 

        How significant is the fact that this tragedy took place on Monday of Holy Week?   This is the week that we celebrate the transformation of despair into hope, darkness into light, and death into life.  We have already seen a miraculous transformation in the wake of the Notre Dame tragedy.  Over a billion dollars has already been pledged for the restoration.  As Emerson said, “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

        But those of us who follow the Christ already know this.  Tomorrow morning we will gather in our houses of worship, large and small, simple and magnificent, and we will proclaim:  Christ is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed!  Yes, we will rise every time we fall!

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