Saturday, December 17, 2011

A True Christmas Blessing

        The Young People who went Christmas Caroling this week will receive many nice, and perhaps expensive, gifts this Christmas, but no gift will be greater or more significant than the one they received last Wednesday night at Alston Brook Healthcare. 
        The Youth gathered at the church following the Wednesday night meal and walked across the street to Helen Linder’s house, then went around the corner to sing for Melvin Young.  We made a couple of other stops before heading out of town to Alston Brook where we currently have five of our church members. 
        There are many people who live committed Christian lives, but there are a few whose lives are so full of grace and truth, so clearly defined by selfless service, that we cannot help but see Christ in them.  We might even call them a saint.  If you know Polly Rollins, you know she is a true Saint. 
        It’s sad to see Polly in the Alzheimer’s Unit.  She has had a very difficult journey and at times she is confused, but lately Polly has been very alert.  Polly knew that the youth were coming to sing for her, so she was not surprised when I came in to let her know the carolers would be arriving soon. 
        Polly was alive with anticipation.   The youth gathered and I introduced Polly to them.  She would know most of their parents and grandparents.  “I hope I’m not going to cry,” she said. 
        As the kids started singing, Polly soaked in every word, every note, every chord.  Tears ran down her face as she experienced the glory of the moment. It was over too soon as they ended with, “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.”  
        The youth had prepared gift bags for each person and someone presented Polly with hers.  Then she opened her arms wide to express her heartfelt gratitude and one by one, each young person came up and gave Polly a hug. 
        I realized as I watched the scene unfold, that Polly was not only thanking the youth with open arms, she was blessing them—blessing them as only a true Saint can do.  And Polly will pray for them and lift them up to our Heavenly Father, just as she has prayed for countless numbers of others through the years. 
        The youth received the greatest gift last Wednesday night.  They were blessed by one of God’s special Saints. 
        “God Bless Us, Everyone!”    


  1. Polly was thrilled with her visit from the youth. She told me that they were GREAT! Thank you for a wonderful tribute .

    B Hilton
