Monday, April 30, 2012


                    Joyce and I spent the weekend at a hospital conference in Williamsburg, Virginia.  I love Williamsburg and it had been a number of years since we had visited.  I always get inspired when I think about those brave patriots who believed that freedom was worth risking “their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.”   We saw a film one afternoon on “The Great Awakening and Liberty.”   It was about how the spiritual movement known as the Great Awakening influenced the American Revolution and, of course, religious liberty.  

        Because I believe very strongly in religious liberty and the separation of church and state, I am always reluctant to speak out on political matters.  I do not believe it is my role to be political and politics do not need to be in the pulpit.   But what happens when an issue that should not be political becomes just that?   What happens when an issue on which the church should be guardian crosses over into the political arena?  

        This is exactly what has happened with the so-called Marriage Amendment.  I believe very strongly that marriage is only ordained by God, not the state.  The state recognizes the marriage that is ordained by God within the church, but the state should not be in the business of defining marriage.  

        I am speaking out on Amendment One because I believe this is a moral and spiritual issue, more than a political one.   Unfortunately, however, people have made it political for their own selfish ends. 

        I also am speaking out because I believe this amendment, if adopted, will result in unrighteous discrimination and many innocent children will be hurt and others will be victimized by its consequences. 

        My article on the issue was first published on the Dispatch website Friday and then appeared in the print edition on Saturday.  Because we were out of town, I saw the article online and checked it several times because I knew I would get some feedback.  But I never expected what happened!   On the Dispatch website there is a section that gives you the five top “Most Read” articles.   Now understand that Ray Howell’s religion column NEVER even makes the Most Read.  But it appeared there late Friday afternoon and then became the #1 article by Saturday morning and remained there until Sunday night when the article on Rev. Pam Strader’s excellent presentation at Grace Episcopal appeared.  As of Monday at noon, The Grace Episcopal article was number one and mine was number two, followed by the story on the weekend’s BBQ cook-off.  (As of Monday night my article was back at # 1)

        I’m not concerned about publicity, but I am concerned that people have the facts and see the hidden dangers that this Amendment holds.  This tells me that many people are reading the story and according to the Dispatch website, my article has been recommended on Facebook over 1,000 times.  

        I have received comments and emails from people all over the state and even received a phone call Monday morning from South Carolina.  The great majority of the feedback has been very positive, although there have been a few negative responses.  (Some of the comments have been very hateful and judgmental)

        Here is the article as it appeared in the Dispatch this weekend:  

On May 8, thousands of sincere, well-intentioned people will go to the polls and vote yes for Amendment One (the so-called Marriage Amendment) believing they are doing the right thing by ensuring marriage in North Carolina will always be between a man and a woman. Sadly, like many moral issues that cross the line into the political arena, this issue is far from being simple and straightforward.

In my opinion, this amendment is unnecessary, unbiblical, unrighteous and may even be unconstitutional. Voting against this amendment is not saying you are in favor of same-sex marriage, and voting for this amendment will not guarantee traditional marriage. In fact, the adoption of this amendment could backfire and have exactly the opposite result.

This amendment is not necessary. North Carolina law already prohibits same-sex marriage, and the law is crystal clear. (N.C. General Statute 51, Article 1, 51-1) No court can challenge it. However, if this amendment is adopted, it opens the door for federal review as possibly being unconstitutional. The California Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage was overturned in February by federal court. The same result is very likely to happen here. If we already have a secure wall that prohibits same-sex marriage, why do we want to replace it with a flimsy fence?

The biggest problem I have with this amendment is that marriage is God's business. The only one who truly ordains and blesses marriage is God, not the State of North Carolina. I know some ministers will faithfully proclaim: "By the power vested in me by the State of North Carolina …" But when I pronounce a couple as "husband and wife" I call on a greater power. "Those whom God hath joined together, let no man put asunder." I will dutifully fill out the marriage license and personally hand deliver it to the Register of Deeds (lest another government agency become involved), but the State of North Carolina only recognizes marriage, it doesn't ordain it.

So why have we taken this debate to the political theater? I find it ironic that the majority of those who are promoting this amendment are also those who believe philosophically that government should be less involved in our lives. Why do we want the government to become involved in one of our most sacred institutions?

Homosexuality is one of the biggest issues facing the church today. Christians have widely different interpretations on this issue, but there is one truth I hope all believers accept as non-negotiable. Every person, regardless of sexual orientation, is a child of God, created in the image of God and deserves to be treated with love, dignity and respect. This amendment opens the door for needless discrimination, marginalization and judgment. Jesus never said one word about homosexuality, but he spoke many words about injustice, unrighteousness and hypocrisy.

Jesus also spoke about rendering unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's. Marriage belongs to God, not Caesar. The Apostle Paul wrote about the problems that are created when we bring the government into religious matters. Throughout history whenever religious beliefs have been codified into law, the results have usually been a disaster.

We don't need Amendment One. Its adoption will open a Pandora's Box of problems that will result in unintended consequences hurting many, many people. Unmarried couples who have children will be negatively impacted as well. Let the church debate the issue of marriage, not the state! This amendment is a bad idea. It is political grandstanding that plays on the fears of the public.

Because I believe that Jesus calls us to love one another as he loved us — unconditionally, without prejudice or judgment — I am voting against Amendment One. I would humbly ask you to prayerfully consider joining me.

The Rev. Dr. Ray Howell III is senior minister at First Baptist Church on West Third Avenue.

1 comment:

  1. I am overwhelmed by the accuracy and strength adn thoughtfulness of your words! I spent 42 minutes on the phone this afternoon with Rayne Brown, a co-sponsor of the so-called Marriage Amendment. She believes that this move will protect children, who are 'better off' with a father and a mother. She can cite research to support that claim. However, it is my belief that children who are loved and nurtured, and affirmed, by their families and by their society, are bound to be healthy in myriad ways. Even the APA determined decades ago that the downfall of people is not how they live, but how they are treated. When God's children (of any age) are beaten down by the condescention of others (even well-meaning others), they show signs of hurt.

    I am a public middle school teacher. So many of my students do not have both mothers and fathers in the home. Thank GOD they do not have to suffer such indignation under the guise of protection.

    Moreover, I have been married more than once. Should not this bill state that marriage is between one man and one woman at-a-time?
